Keep on Dancin'
March 4, 2019
Keep on Dancin’
Many years ago, in the final year of my BBA at St. F.X. I had the distinct privilege of being instructed by Dr. John T. Sears, an inspirational professor and wonderful gentleman.
The Business Policy course focused on several central themes but one still stands out in my mind after all this time...”ya gotta dance with the one that brought ‘cha!”….meaning that successful companies should remain true to the strategies and policies that got them where they are today.
Well Dr. Sears, with a combined 40 successful years in banking and financial services, we’re gonna still be dancing with the same industry, but the venue, music and dance steps are all about to change dramatically.
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson